
Monday, February 02, 2004

Superbowl Halftime Disaster, 2004 

Well, there you go. The Superbowl 2004 halftime disaster was predictable and planned. Think of how many young people got to see the whole "anything goes" halftime period, and what that may do to their young minds. We truly do live in a society where anything goes, no matter how obscene, no matter how twisted, no matter how disrespectful to families or children it is--if it sells products or gets the "anything goes" agenda across, then, by all means, go for it, so they (the pop stars, MTV execs and other icons of evil) surmise.

The NFL should be ashamed of itself, CBS should be ashamed of itself, and many heads should roll at MTV. And yes, the FCC should be outraged as it appears to be. But when you're dealing with a company (MTV) whose prime directive is the destruction of today's youth through sex, drugs, and rock and roll, what in blazes do you expect to get from them? DUH!

At the current pace, can you just imagine what the Superbowl halftime of 2010 could possibly look like? Maybe total nudity? Maybe on-stage sex acts? After all, these twisted minds don't see anything wrong with that.

And there are millions of families in America nodding in agreement by their silence. How sad, if I may be perfectly blunt! So what do you expect to get? Why, dear families in America, are you shocked at this behavior? Where were you 10 years ago when intelligent and forward-thinking people predicted this kind of twisted "entertainment" would be taking place today? Why didn't you believe them? Why don't you do anything about it today?

Ultimately, as a society, we get the kind and quality of entertainment we as a society condone and encourage. As everyone could plainly see during the Superbowl Halftime of 2004, you can see where that is taking us. And thankfully, some of you out there, maybe just a few, are outraged at what you and your children watched during the halftime. Good for you! Now, what are you going to do about it? Accept it as the norm for 2004? May God help us if you do!

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